What if a Masterpiece or Masterblock is inappropriate?

Our moderators review every Masterpiece and Masterblock submission to ensure they follow the Animal Jam rules along with other factors to help determine if they can be accepted or not. We understand that some players may disagree on ‘what is acceptable’ due to differing beliefs and tolerances. This is likely to occur with artworks inspired by movies, books, video games, and other media, which is subjective for each household. We will not censor expressions we feel are in the spirit of art creation. However, we will remove any submissions that we find to be in violation of our rules. 

Masterpiece Rules:


Masterblock Rules:


Sometimes we may require additional context and proof to help inform our decisions. If you believe something inappropriate was missed on first review, please report the Masterpiece item in question using the in-game reporting feature.


How to report:

  1. Click on a Masterblock or Masterpiece to view
  2. Click on the security badge in the bottom right corner
  3. Choose the reason you're reporting the Masterpiece or Masterblock
  4. Have patience as our moderators review your report


More articles about Masterpieces:

If your question hasn't been answered in our help section, you can submit a request to AJ Support, and we will respond as soon as possible. Currently, support is only available in English. Submit a Request