We appreciate all kinds of creativity in Masterblocks, however there are a few basic rules in place in order to best protect you and other players.
Please DO NOT make any Masterblocks that contain:
- Any letters.
- Any numbers.
- Offensive or controversial imagery.
- Imagery or items not appropriate for children under 13.
- Shapes resembling bedroom furniture, showers/baths, or guns.
- Items intended to be mean towards or offensive to other Jammers.
Each Masterblock, when submitted to become a den item, is reviewed by the expert moderators at AJHQ. Moderators can make mistakes though, so if you ever see a Masterblock that you believe doesn't follow the above guidelines, please click on the item and utilize the report feature so our moderators can take a second look at the shape and how it's being used.
More articles about Masterblocks: